Employment Consultation

May 26th 2021 - May 26th 2028
PricePlease see program options below
Ratio:1:1 (one facilitator for one participant)
Location:Community and/or Online (Zoom for Healthcare)
Notes:For more information please email employmentservices@autism.net

The Employment Consultation program is designed for youth and adults who desire to prepare and operate within the workforce. The goal of the program is to provide youth and adults with the skills required to prepare, obtain, and maintain employment.

Working with a dedicated employment facilitator, individuals work toward goals such as: resume writing, interview skills, searching and applying for positions, problem solving employment hurdles, and self-advocacy. 

Program Options:
1 month $500 (4 1 hour sessions per month) 
3 months $1,400 (4 1 hour sessions per month)
6 months $2,800 (4 1 hour sessions per month)